Rachele & Associates can help you:
In an effort to keep your tax prep cost affordable, we keep our overhead low by working from our home office in Euless, TX. We can meet with you in our home office or at our alternate office in Grapevine. Or if you'd prefer, we can consult over the phone and exchange documents via email. Call now for your FREE 30 minute consultation! |
We have over 15 years of experience preparing tax returns and communicating with the IRS on numerous situations. We've prepared tax returns for multi-million dollar corporations, people with multiple partnerships, and people with multiple brokerage statements or just a W2. We can put together the puzzle that is your tax situation and make a pretty picture.
We are registered with the IRS to e-file tax forms 1040 Individual Tax, 1041 Trust Tax, 1065 Partnership Tax, 1120 Corporate Tax, 1120S S-Corporate Tax. E-filing allows for the peace of mind that your taxes were received by the IRS on time and expedites any refunds to be delivered quicker.
We want to energize you by helping you understand your tax situation and to come up with a plan to maximize your dollars! We want to care for your business like it was our business.